When it comes to your career, money mindset is 80% of the game

Ready to make money doing work you love?

Join "Easy Money: Mastering Your Money Mindset" and get on the path to a money making mindset that pays

Why is money mindset so important?!

MONEY and ABUNDANCE are at the heart of all our career decisions (and life and relationships...) 

Whether we view the world through the lens of abundance or scarcity, money mindset dictates our beliefs about what it takes to be happy, how we define success, how hard we have to work to get it, even our self-worth.

Yes, we work to earn money. But for many of us, it's not the only reason we work.

Raise your hand if you want money AND fulfilling work AND more time and energy to spend on the people and things you love.

The most successful people are playing a totally different game

Because deep down, they know they're destined for bigger things.

They know they need a structured, holistic approach to challenge deeply-held limiting beliefs, explore what’s truly possible, and get out of their own way.

The Easy Money: Master Your Money Mindset course combines personal insights with practical strategy to help you challenge the patterns keeping you stuck and playing small.

How would it feel to confidently pursue your dreams and connect your values to meaningful work that pays?

The first step to a fulfilling and prosperous career is believing that it's POSSIBLE

Imagine...meeting your financial goals WITHOUT sacrificing the purpose, creativity, flexibility, freedom, and everything else you CRAVE in your career and life.

The benefits of mastering your money mindset go way beyond how much you earn, save, or spend. It's about:

Recognizing the TRUE VALUE of your unique blend of skills

Confidently asking for the FULL AMOUNT you want to earn

✨ Fully stepping into your true purpose and potential

✨ Getting better results with more ease

Welcoming abundance in all its forms, such as <ahem> allowing yourself to be helped

Seeing career opportunities you simply couldn't see before

Saying goodbye to draining people and situations you think you have to accept

Jettisoning the idea that more money means longer hours and more stress

Finding a way to monetize your values, strengths, and interests

STOPPING SETTLING FOR A PAYCHECK at the expense of your day-to-day happiness

This course is a fun blend of woo and practical frameworks designed to help you shift how you think about money, abundance, and the ease with which you meet your goals.

How would it feel to have all this?!

This money mindset course is for you if you're ready to make career decisions from confidence and abundance instead of fear and scarcity.

Here's what you'll learn:

Module 1: Busting Money Mindset Myths

Uncover where you’re creating barriers and holding yourself back.

Understand how your current money lens clouds your vision of what's possible.

Module 2: Mastering Your Money Mindset

Unpack the untrue stories making you believe you can’t have fulfilling work AND financial security.

Change your limiting money beliefs so you can see opportunities you couldn't see before.

Module 3: Cultivating Abundance

Focus on cultivating abundance in all its forms so you can abandon the belief that earning more needs to be a slog.

Let go of fear, guilt, and scarcity so you can welcome in MORE freedom, flexibility, ease, and LEVERAGE.

Module 4: Welcoming Your First Manifestation

Ready to create real-life opportunities? Let's make this super-freakin' actionable.

Learn the simple 3-step formula that will help you CREATE career options that meet your money goals and fit YOU.

Module 5: Knowing Your Numbers

Walk away feeling clear and confident about achieving your money goals.

Put REAL NUMBERS to your earnings, savings, investments, and goals so you have an ACTIONABLE strategy.

Ready to become the CEO of your life? Enroll now for $299!

Here's a taste of what you'll see in Teachable:

No more cramming yourself into a box just for the paycheck

It's one thing to say you want to earn a million dollars. It's another to actually believe you can.

This course is your roadmap to a money making mindset that will change your career trajectory.

Meet your coach!

I'm Caroline, a career and leadership coach helping people like you navigate those inevitable career crossroads with intention, creativity, and fun. (Yes, FUN!)

I'm also a money mindset maven whose personal financial independence journey led me to leave the corporate grind and start my own business.

Working on my money mindset allowed me to create a thriving business and life around ME. I make great money, but more importantly, I have so much time, energy, and creative freedom to focus on what's most important to ME.

I created this course because I've seen how critical a money making mindset is to creating a truly fulfilling, prosperous career.

Learn more about my own career journey and coaching philosophy.

For much of my career,

I settled

I chose the path of least resistance out of SCARCITY--fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence, you name it. 

My money mindset was so narrow, the only options I saw were starting over completely OR continuing down a path that paid well but crushed my soul.

Once I committed to a mindset focused on true abundance--living a big life centered around the activities that brought me the most joy--I began to see the MYRIAD options right in front of me. And my whole life changed for the better. 

I'm financially free. I love what I do. And I love my LIFE outside of work. This is what I want for you.

I believe that making money gets to be FUN and EASY.

If those ideas seem incompatible to you, I invite you to enroll now!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does this money mindset course begin?

This is a self-study course. Course content will be available immediately once you enroll.

Access it as often as you want--WHENEVER and WHEREVER! Get ready for the rest of your life.

How long will this course take to complete?

The course is self-paced, so you're free to go as fast or slow as you like. It's designed to be BINGEABLE and REVISITABLE.

Mindset shifts take time, especially rewiring the beliefs we've held onto for years. But my coachees tell me the insights they gain from the first module alone--understanding their relationship with money and the patterns that result--are powerful and eye-opening motivation.

I encourage you to take time to integrate the concepts, revisit the lessons, and don't skip the exercises!

Building a healthy money making mindset is a lifelong habit.

What if I don't know what I want to do?

First, I bet you know more than you think (we'll cover this in Module 4).

Second, your limiting money beliefs are likely closing you off to some real-life opportunities. This course is designed to help you remove the blinders so you can see career options you simply couldn't see before.

What's included in the course?

This course includes written content, videos, exercises, frameworks, and bonuses all available in Teachable. Plus quizzes and checkpoints to help you celebrate your progress and shifts. It currently includes 5 modules and 40+ lessons.

I'm a business owner/freelancer. Will this course help my business?

If knowing your value and making money is important for your business, I encourage you to enroll.

How do I know if this course is worth it?

This course works. I believe in the material and YOU.

I'm not here to push you into something you don't want. But if your intuition is telling you this course is what you need--especially if you've visited this page more than once (I see you)--I'm sitting here on the other side of the rainbow with my pot o' gold, waving you across.

As always, I encourage you to trust your instincts on whether this course is right for you. If you don't trust your intuition to make the "right" decision, well that's something to get curious about, too. 😉

What ROI can I expect?

You tell me! Seriously. I encourage you to set the ROI you want, then use this course to DO it.

Ask yourself, "What am willing to do to make this a worthwhile investment of my precious time, money, and energy?"

For me, the ROI of changing your money making mindset is priceless and will have ripple effects for the rest of your life.

Mindset change begins with your commitment to succeed. I encourage you to commit to yourself.

How would it feel to invest time and energy in relieving the pressure and anxiety you feel about money? How would it feel to trust that you can have abundance? How would it feel to make money doing work you love? What's that worth to YOU?

What is it costing you to not even try?!


Join my money mindset course now for only $299!

Want to create a career and life on your own terms but not ready to enroll in the course?

I got you.

Download my free 4-step career roadmap.

Read this far and still on the fence?! 🤔

Email your questions to [email protected]